Abuse Survivor

This blog is meant to encourage all those who have been stepped on and walked over by cults or people, whether they have been in bad marriages, abusive friendships, or any kind of presupposed relationship where someone has taken advantage of them. We all know this is a two way street, but it can be something that we think we deserve and actually do not.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Have you been abused?

I know this is a hard question. Many of us wouldn't want to admit if we have had this experience, because we are told it was our fault that it happened. We did something to bring it on to ourselves. The person did what he or she did to us because of something we did to that person.

Guess What?? This is pure and simple bull. Nobody deserves to be treated abusively. The worst kind of abuse is verbal abuse, because it cannot be proven in a court of law. There is no lawyer or judge who will even decide in the favor of one who has been told that he or she is no good; that he or she does not deserve to be on the face of this earth, to be amongst other people. A classic case is someone who has been forbidden to speak to anyone outside of their home. They may be told that they are too stupid to know anything so no one wants to talk to them anyway. Have you ever been spoken to in this way??

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