My new Friend
I have a new friend whom I met in my mobile home park. She has been abused by her family, and she cannot forget it. Today I went over to her house to pray with her, and she would not pray with me. Her mind was on other things; for one thing, her husband was upset and I tried to calm her down in order to help her, but she went off on him big time for wanting time for himself alone and not with her. I told her to wait til he got home and talk to him about it. She did just that. But she screamed at him. I gave her a hug and went home. But I need to pray with her, so she stops this attitude of hers. She is so troubled and I know what is wrong. It is all the memories and the demons are reminding her of all of this stuff, and it is making her crazy. This might be manic depressive attitude, which can only be helped by the removal of the demons in her life. She needs the Lord.
Pray for her. She needs the victory that Jesus can give her.
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