In 1971, I was not thinking very straight. My mind was a mess, and people were making me kind of nuts. A so called friend asked me to take her to another town in which her boyfriend was working, so she could spy on him, for she said she did not trust him. I made arrangements for another friend to baby sit for my children and we went up there. Her boyfriend was my then-boyfriend's brother in law, and I figured that we could both see our boyfriends. I did not know what I was doing.
She talked me into staying up there for two days, even thought I was missing a doctor's appointment, and I did not like missing it. I knew I was making a mistake, but I acquiesced to her wishes. It was not a good thing to do.
When I got home, the house was empty. I could not find either the dog or the cat. My friend was not there. I found a note on the kitchen table, telling me that the children had been put in a home and I should call this number, which I did.
I did not get anywhere at all, but a half an hour later, I was under arrest, and an hour after that, I was in jail. This was all perpetrated by my then husband, who wanted to take the kids away, and he was getting his way. I looked so bad after this, that he was able to tell everybody how bad I was, and everybody believed that I was bad, and my friends were gone, my neighbors were gone, and I was nothing.
Friends, do not let this happen to you. Get some one you trust on your side, and don't be afraid to do it. You need people on your side. My mistake was never liking myself well enough to trust anyone.
I wish you all peace.